Don't miss the new functionalities!

With the new CaixaBankNow we have redesigned the account statement so that you can manage your deposits and expenses more easily.

New app format design

As in the app, you will be able to check your transactions sorted by date and navigate between your accounts with a single click.

Transaction filter

The new search engine will allow you to find the transaction you are looking for using filters easily.

Frequent transactions in the main screen

On the right side you will find your account information and quick access to your recurring transactions.

Deposits or expenses?

Check all your transactions sorted by date and grouped according to whether they are deposits or expenses.

Transaction details

Just by clicking on one of your transactions you will access additional information.

Save information

You can print the transaction detail or simply download it in PDF, if you need to.

Discover the new Account Statement design

Open panel video

Have you already seen the new Account Statement design?