Notifications are alerts and messages on your daily banking activity that you receive on your mobile through the CaixaBankNow app.
Enable notifications to stay up to date with your everyday banking
You will also be able to...
Complete your online purchases easily
Receive security messages
Enable alerts on the activity of your accounts and cards
Receive relevant information about CaixaBank
Remember that, since these are notifications that we will send via the CaixaBankNow app, you will be protected from SMS fraud. Notifications are the safest and most reliable way for us to send you information.
Enable them in a flash
Sign in to the CaixaBankNow app and follow the steps below.
Tap on “Profile” and then “Set up”.
Go to "Notifications and alerts".
Tap on "Manage notifications".
Enable notifications and accept the operating system permissions. And now you can receive any alert from the CaixaBankNow app!