Digital certificate in CaixaBankNow
Identify yourself with extra security
CaixaBankNow allows supplementing identification with a digital certificate, such as a Spanish electronic ID card and idCAT (CatCert).
The use of digital certificates for identification purposes provides an extra level of security, as in addition to entering the user ID and password to access the online banking service, you have to validate correctly the certificate.
How to use the electronic ID card in CaixaBankNow
Have available the electronic ID card.
Have a chip card reader compatible with the certificate.
Have installed correctly the software components provided by the certificate issuing entity and the card reader drivers.
Electronic ID installation assistant
Once the specified requirements have been met, you only need to activate the option in CaixaBankNow (it can be done directly from the CaixaBankNow service, in the "Personal settings" screen), option "Access with digital certificate".
By activating this option, whenever you wish to access the online banking service, you will need to have the digital certificate installed on the card reader.