1. Promotion: to benefit from the promotion, the customer must take out at least one new MyBox product on offer between 4/9/2023 and 27/10/2023, provided that the customer already had, before the promotion, any of the CaixaBank products from the list of products that make the customer eligible for the promotion, or two new MyBox products included in the promotion between 4/9/2023 and 27/10/2023. The customer will get €100 for each new MyBox product or service taken out (MyBox Home, MyBox Life, MyBox Auto, MyBox Funeral Senior, MyBox Funeral Senior Flexible, MyBox Home Alarm, MyBox Home Alarm Premium and MyBox Senior Protection (Single and Duo)). The promotion amount will be credited to a gift card exclusively for individuals. The maximum promotion amount is €700. You may view the other conditions of the promotion, subscription and contracting of products at any CaixaBank branch or at CaixaBank.es. Insurance promotion: promotion valid for individuals who take out new insurance policies during the promotional period and who meet the conditions mentioned above. You will receive the corresponding amount on the Gift Card, provided that the amount of the premium of the respective insurance you take out is at least €30 per month during the first three years of its duration (36 months), equivalent to a €1,080 premium during the first insurance period. For MyBox Decesos Seniors and MyBox Decesos Seniors Flexible, if there are two or more insured persons, the corresponding premium will be for each insured person. The maximum amount a customer can receive from this promotion will be €700 per tax ID number and is subject to the taxes, withholdings and other surcharges in force on the date the incentive is paid and to limitations and penalties in the event of non-compliance with the conditions of the promotion. Promotion not compatible with other promotions with a gift card. Alarms and Protección Senior promotion: promotion valid for customers who take out, during this period, MyBox Alarma Hogar, MyBox Alarma Hogar Premium and MyBox Protección Senior (Single or Duo) from Securitas Direct through Wivai Selectplace, S. A. U., which is installed or activated within six months from the date requested. Customers who had previously taken out MyBox Alarma and MyBox Protección Senior from 1 January 2023, whose service is in force and who renew the products on the date of this promotion will receive an additional €100.
2. The products taken out between 1/1/2023 and 3/9/2023 (both included) with CaixaBank that are eligible for the promotion are as follows: Home insurance: MyBox Home; Car insurance: MyBox Auto; Health insurance: MyBox Health, MyBox Health Seniors; MyBox Health North Zone; Funeral insurance: MyBox Decesos Seniors Flexible; Life Insurance: MyBox Life; Alarms: MyBox Home Alarm, MyBox Home Alarm Premium; Senior Protection: MyBox Protección Senior (Single and Duo).
3. The full premium payment will be made when the policy comes into effect. The policy is available from 54 years and 11 months of age to 99 years and 11 months.
4. The full premium will be paid monthly during the first 60 months of the policy's validity. The policy is available from 54 years and 11 months of age to 79 years and 11 months.
5. There will be a right to financial compensation for each calendar year and for each insured person covered by the policy. This financial compensation will be paid into the bank account number specified to the company to pay the insurance premium, at the time when the service is provided, and within 30 days from the time the company accepts the payment of the compensation.
Information subject to the terms and conditions of each policy, as well as to the subscription and purchase terms and conditions. VidaCaixa, S.A.U. de Seguros y Reaseguros life insurance and SegurCaixa Adeslas, S.A. de Seguros y Reaseguros non-life insurance. Broker: CaixaBank, S.A., the exclusive banking-insurance operator of VidaCaixa, S.A.U. and authorised operator of SegurCaixa Adeslas, S.A. Holder of Tax ID number (NIF) A08663619 and registered address at C/ Pintor Sorolla, 2-4, Valencia – 46002. Listed in the Spanish Directorate-General of Insurance and Pension Funds Registry of Insurance and Reinsurance Distributors under code OE0003. It has the corresponding professional civil liability insurance in place to cover any liabilities that may arise due to professional negligence, in accordance with current legislation. Visit the company website for more information.
NRI: 7343-2024/09542