Remember that you have all your card details within reach to shop online. We'll explain how to find the PAN, CVV and the expiry date of your card through CaixaBankNow.
Online shopping with your digital card
With no need for a physical card
Get the details from your CaixaBankNow app
Shop as you always have with your digital card*
How do I find the CVV and the expiry date in CaixaBankNow?
Through CaixaBankNow you can obtain the details necessary to
continue making online purchases with your card in digital format.
For your security, remember not to share your card details with anyone.
1. Go to My Cards in CaixaBankNow
Choose the card you want to know the details of and click on the card icon.
2. Click on the menu and click on "Card details"
3. View the CVV and expiry date
You can also copy your card PAN by clicking on the first button.
4. Confirm the operation
Through CaixaBank Sign by clicking on "Confirm".
5. Receive an SMS with your details
Open the SMS and all done! You now have the CVV and expiry date of your card.