A specialised banking service

For technology companies

With internally developed products and intellectual property, mainly in the fields of life sciences and hardware.

For innovative companies

With a scalable business model and global sphere of activity, mainly digital and software companies.

For investors

With a focus on companies in the early stages, mainly Business Angels, Venture Capital and Corporates.

A new relationship with the entrepreneurial system

What is DayOne?

DayOne is CaixaBank's specialised banking service created to support, develop and guide all those young, rapidly developing global companies that engage in value-added activities and finance growth mainly with own funds.

Always by your side

DayOne is a service that innovates in the way we interact with all the agents that make up the ecosystem of start-ups, scale-ups and their investors, by closely engaging with their concerns, dynamics, needs and speed of development.

A service adapted to the segment

Based on 5 key elements to serve startups, scaleups and their investors.

Financial consultants

Creativity and rapid global growth mean that your financial needs might be complicated. DayOne financial consultants are aware of the reality of the industry and guide their customers through their various stages of growth.

Specialised solutions

We build, internally or through agreements with third-party companies, new financial products and services that are suitable for the needs of ecosystem agents. We have exclusive online specialists in foreign trade, liquid assets and short- and long-term financing. We also have teams specialising in asset and tax management, investment banking, M&A and fundraising, and other top-down value proposals for companies, their founders, Venture Capital and investors in technology. In turn, we offer services that help attract national and international talent to these companies. We develop new non-financial advantages through CaixaBankNow.

Global network

We develop relationships with leading agents and stakeholders at various innovation hubs worldwide. We guide our customers and provide them with access to these hubs in their global development.


DayOne hubs are a meeting place (Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia, Bilbao, Malaga, Murcia and Zaragoza) for talent and capital. Through small-scale events and with access by invitation only, we regularly put our customers in touch with partners that add value.

Entrepreneurship Programs

We foster technology-based entrepreneurship with the EmprendeXXI Awards and related initiatives, such as DayOne Innovation Summits, DayOne Open Innovation Programs, Investor's Day and AlumniXXI, the community of winning companies throughout the history of the Emprendedor Awards.

For more information, visit the DayOne blog https://dayonecaixabank.es/

DayOne Business Centre Cataluña


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DayOne Business Centre Barcelona


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DayOne Business Centre Madrid


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DayOne Business Centre Andalucía


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DayOne Business Centre Valencia


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DayOne Business Centre North


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DayOne Business Centre Ebro


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DayOne Business Centre Murcia


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DayOne Business Centre Canary Islands


See map

DayOne Business Centre Castile and Leon


See map

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