The AA accessibility certification granted by ILUNION Tecnología y Accesibilidad, a leading company in accessibility training and in the evaluation of physical and technological environments, confirms that the website allows you to access, navigate and interact efficiently and autonomously with the site to anyone with disabilities.
Web Accessibility Ilunion 2023


CaixaBank is the first bank in the world to have the functional suitability of its app certified by AENOR as per the ISO/IEC 25010 standard.

Since 1997, Aqmetrix has developed a comprehensive scorecard for financial institutions based on the ongoing analysis of the performance (presentation of the service) and the offer of the markets' leading financial institutions. To date, the company has rated over 150 companies in more than 16 countries in Europe and America.
Seal of Excellence

CaixaBank has received the highest rating in the Seal of Excellence in Spain. The Seal has been awarded by the European Foundation for Quality Management. It distinguishes organizations, institutions and companies that
successfully implement the EFQM Excellence Model in their management activity and commit to ensuring the satisfaction of their interest groups; among others, customers, employees and society as a whole.