NIF: | V-63568646 |
Issue amount: | € 1,200,000,000 |
Set-up date: | 12 July 2004 |
Disbursement date: | 20 July 2004 |
Payment dates: | 20 March, 20 June, 20 September and 20 December |
Liquidation date: | 20 June 2038 |
Legal framework: | Law 19/1992 of 7 July |
Series | Initial amount | Current rating | Interest rate | ISIN Code |
SERIE A1 | € 150,000,000 | Aaa(sf) (Moody's) AAA(sf) (S&P) |
Euribor 3M + 0.06% | ES0316874009 |
SERIE A2 | € 1,020,600,000 | Aa2(sf) (Moody’s) BBB+(sf) (S&P) |
EURIBOR 3M + 0.17% | ES0316874017 |
SERIE B | € 19,200,000 | Baa2(sf)(Moody’s) BB+(sf) (S&P) |
EURIBOR 3M + 0.42% | ES0316874025 |
SERIE C | € 10,200,000 | Ba1(sf) (Moody's) BB+(sf) (S&P) |
EURIBOR 3M + 0.78% | ES0316874033 |
Unitary face value: | € 100,000 |
Amortization: | Series A1 Soft bullet. Maturity Date 20-12-05 Series A2, B and C, according to amortization of the Loans (“pass through”) |
Subordination: | The Series B is subordinated with respect to Series A1 and A2 The Series C is subordinated with respect to the remaining Series. |
- Brochure
This document is an English-language version of a Spanish Prospectus. No document other than the Spanish Prospectus, which has been verified by the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores, may be considered as having any legal effect whatsoever in respect to the Bonds.
Class A2 (ISIN ES0316874017) |
Upgraded from ‘AAA(sf)’ to ‘A+(sf)’ S&P | June 2011 |
Class A2 (ISIN ES0316874017) |
Downgraded from ‘Aaa(sf)’ to ‘Aa2(sf)’ Moody’s | February 2012 |
Class A2 (ISIN ES0316874017) |
Downgraded from ‘A+(sf)’ to ‘A-(sf)’ S&P | February 2012 |
Class B (ISIN ES0316874025) |
Downgraded from ‘A(sf)’ to ‘A-(sf)’ S&P | February 2012 |
Class A2 (ISIN ES0316874017) |
Downgraded from ‘Aa2(sf)’ to ‘A3(sf)’ Moody’s | July 2012 |
Class B (ISIN ES0316874025) |
Downgraded from ‘A2(sf)’ to ‘A3(sf)’ Moody’s | July 2012 |
Class A2 (ISIN ES0316874017) |
Downgraded from ‘A3(sf)’to ‘Baa1(sf)’ (Moody’s) | November 2012 |
Class B (ISIN ES0316874025) |
Downgraded from ‘A3(sf)’to ‘Baa2(sf)’ (Moody’s) | November 2012 |
Class A2 (ISIN ES0316874017) |
Downgraded from ‘A-(s)f’ to ‘BBB-(sf)’ (S&P) | February 2013 |
Class B (ISIN ES0316874025) |
Downgraded from ‘A-(s)f’ to ‘BB(sf)’ (S&P) | February 2013 |
Class C (ISIN ES0316874033) |
Downgraded from ‘BBB(s)f’ to ‘BB(sf)’ (S&P) | February 2013 |
Class B (ISIN ES0316874025) |
Dowgraded from ‘Baa2(sf)’ a ‘Ba2(sf)’ (Moody’s) | June 2013 |
Class C (ISIN ES0316874033) |
Dowgraded from ‘Baa2(sf)’ a ‘B1(sf)’ (Moody’s) | June 2013 |
Class A2 (ISIN ES0316874017) |
Upgraded from ‘Baa1(sf)’ to ‘A3(sf)’ (Moody’s) | February 2014 |
Class A2 (ISIN ES0316874017) |
Upgraded from ‘A3(sf)’ to ‘A1 (sf)’ (Moody’s) | October 2014 |
Class B (ISIN ES0316874025) |
Upgraded from ‘Ba2(sf)’ to ‘Ba1 (sf)’ (Moody’s) | October 2014 |
Class C (ISIN ES0316874033) |
Upgraded from ‘B1(sf)’ to ‘Ba3 (sf)’ (Moody’s) | October 2014 |
Class A2 (ISIN ES0316874017) |
Upgraded from ‘A1(s)f’ to Aa2(sf) (Moody’s) | February 2015 |
Class B (ISIN ES0316874025) |
Upgraded from ‘Ba1(s)f’ to Baa2(sf) (Moody’s) | February 2015 |
Class C (ISIN ES0316874033) |
Upgraded from ‘Ba3(s)f’ to Ba2(sf) (Moody’s) | February 2015 |
Class A2 (ISIN ES0316874017) |
Upgraded from ‘BBB-(s)f’ to BBB(sf) (S&P) | March 2015 |
Class B (ISIN ES0316874025) |
Upgraded from ‘BB(s)f’ to BB+(sf) (S&P) | March 2015 |
Class C (ISIN ES0316874033) |
Upgraded from ‘BB(s)f’ to BB+(sf) (S&P) | March 2015 |
Class C (ISIN ES0316874033) |
Upgraded from Ba2(sf) to Ba1(sf) (Moody's) | July 2015 |
Class A2 (ISIN ES0316874017) |
Upgraded from ‘BBB(sf)’ to BBB+(sf)(S&P ) | January 2016 |